November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to Justin! .

¡feliz cumpleaños! (spanish)
Boldog Szuletesnapot! (hungarian)
Happy Birthday! (english)

Justin recently turned the BIG 24!

This year is going to be an awesome year for Justin for a few reasons! First, he is graduating from BYU! Which is an amazing feat, seeing as how he has lived through both O-Chem's other crazy science classes! Second, he won't be 23 anymore... which for some reason he claims is the worst age ever (I think he just says that to scare me because I am going to be 23 in January). And third, he is one year away from getting cheaper car insurance!! Hurray!!

To celebrate we had parties all weekend long!

On Friday Jenae and her girls came over to watch the Heat game, and then our friends the Neff's and Kayla and Trent came over for some cheesecake and BANG!

Here are Justin & Rachel chilling on the Love Sac

And here is Ashlin who decided that everything tastes better with popcorn on it! Including cheesecake and water! :)

It was a fun night! Thanks to everyone for coming to help us celebrate!

That Sunday we went over to Brett and Jenae's to celebrate his birthday with them and Alyssa and her kids! Kate was so cute, she really wanted to have cake with Uncle Justin, so Alyssa made this amazing pumpkin cheesecake (by the way, cheesecake is Justin's favorite which is why we had so much of it over the weekend! haha)

Then we all celebrated by dancing to one of our favorite Youtube video's! We danced to this video last year on Justin's birthday, and of course we had to carry on the tradition! I didn't video our dancing but I thought I'd share the youtube video with everyone, it makes for a great DP (dance party)


  1. Yay, we made the blog! I thought that cheaper car insurance hit @ age 24, at least ours did with State Farm. Classic video!

  2. Yes, it was awesome - you guys are always so much fun to hang out with.

  3. Sounds like a fun birthday celebration!!!
    Check on that cheaper car insurance! Happy Birthday Justin and we wish you a happy year to follow.
